
These are personal thoughts narrated as I spend some free times in the cyberspace. They are unedited and unrefined. I simply jot down whatever comes to mind at the moment, usually with little planning.

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Greenville, Texas, United States

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jasmine is 16

It seems like it was only yesterday that we rushed to the hospital in Clarksdale some 30 miles north of Cleveland, Mississippi where we were then. She was way past due and the doctor thought he may have to induce the birth. After an agonizing hours of waiting, I was allowed to come in to the operation theater where Tracey was and surrounded by medical personnel. With a video camera in hand I proceeded to videotape the procedure. We have such video of when Tracey's stomach was sliced and out came Jasmine.

Later, she was cleaned and kept in the nursery. Tracey, the mother has not even had the chance to touch nor feel Jasmine yet. We forwarded the request to the nurse but it was ignored and later she explained that it was the hospital's protocol. I called Tracey's doctor and complained and immediately after, the same nurse brought Jasmine to the room where Tracey was. Tracey's mother (Wanda) and stepfather (Sonny) were with us. I also recalled that my department chair (Dr. Virginia Hollimon) was there to join us in the celebration; and I brought the baby in my hand to show her.

Now that we are in Arkansas, she is celebrating her 16th birthday! I dreaded the day when she would fly out of the nest and how would I fair?

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