
These are personal thoughts narrated as I spend some free times in the cyberspace. They are unedited and unrefined. I simply jot down whatever comes to mind at the moment, usually with little planning.

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Greenville, Texas, United States

Monday, December 24, 2018

Mom's travelling for Haj, circa 1983-84?

The following are selected pictures, circa 1983-1984, when my mother (Mek) was with her dad (Cek), sister (MakSu Yah) and brother-in-law (Ayah Su) were travelling to Mecca for the haj. Hopefully, these pictures capture the time some 30 years ago and the cultural mileau with regards to close family bonding and the values they attached to such trip by sending the pilgrims to the airport. They were departing from Kota Bharu airport at Pengkalan Chepa to Mecca via Kuala Lumpur.

I recall picking them up at Subang International airport upon their return and brought them to my rented house in Ampang Jaya to rest before sending them back to the airport for their final flight to Kota Bharu.

 This is my Ayah Su with uncle Ibrahim and Azam at Pengkalan Chepa airport waiting for their flights to Mecca via Kuala Lumpur.

My aunt, MakCik Mah and cousin Rose at the airport sending off family members.

Ayah Su, uncle Ali, uncle Mohamad and Cek

My Cek (grandfather)

Uncle Hassan, older brother of my later father, Ayah Su and Azam at the airport

Mek and MakSu Yah with Anis in the middle and Anun on the background

Uncle Mohamad, the oldest sibling of my mother.

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